Friday, May 4, 2012

April Showers Bring Cloud Computing

April Showers bring  Cloud Computing.

Another week of  weird weather and a month change bring us into summer more and more.   Why is it that during winter I dream of summer, and during summer I  wish for winter?

This past winter was about like a new england fall.   We didn't even get down below 20 degrees.  Unfortunately that means we will be overrun with bugs  this summer.   One of the sad realities in life is  that winter  has to be below 20 degrees for at least 2 weeks to kill off a decent percentage of the bug eggs laid the end of fall.  We didn't get that so this summer will bug us big time...  

But now it's summer. Last week it was in the 50s.  A day ago, my car thermometer said 97.  I don't think it was really 97 outside.  I think it was closer to  80 or 85.  In the car, however, it was hotter.

The problem is, no matter what weather we get, it is not the weather we want.  It is sort of an extension of the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. If we want cliche' we can also say  'you always want what you can't have.'

The nature of man is to be dissatisfied with the present and strive for the future.  In many ways that's the main force behind man's achievements.  Look at it practically if no one cared about the weather, we wouldn't have clothing, houses, lights, fans heaters and air conditioning.

I remember years ago, watching the movie Oxford Blues, and the English gentleman went on about how Americans had an arrogance that they can do anything, and the other countries were tired of the attitude.  In the movie , the hero said something and was shot down quickly.  In my mind the retort was obvious... "If you don't like the attitude, then  stop using the innovations that these arrogant Americans invent,,, Like electricity, the airplane, the process of blood and organ transplantation and all the other impossible things  that have become possible because people were arrogant enough to not just sit and believe in the limits they were taught.

Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, once said man's technology doubles every 7 years.  When you think about the things that were normal and available just a decade ago, you realize how huge the difference is.  in 2002 we had the internet, but nowhere near what we have now.  Cell phones were clunky and huge, and the smartphone was not even a gleam in anyone's eye.  No one had any idea the uses of internet memory storage and cloud computing.  Now,  the technology is so far different from the last few decade's that it is hard to even envision life that way anymore.

Few may even remember, but there was a time when there was no internet.   Television had only 3 channels, and they were hard to get on the tv.  Telephones did nothing but  hang on a wall or sit on a desk and  let you talk to people  if they answered..  There was no voice mail or answer machines, and on call doctors had to pay people to answer the phone after hours.

It was a more harsh life life where no one had any of the conveniences we have today. So they  made things better.  Like the people who long ago hated to be rained on, so they invented houses; more modern man invented things they needed.  and here we are.

It is a great time to be alive.  But I wonder what life will be like in another 7 years?   Hmmm.  lets stay here and watch....

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