Sunday, June 24, 2007

Like pulling teeth...

Well, here we are, a Sunday afternoon, with lots to do, and here I am writing in my blog. The worst part is, I have nothing to say.

Right now I could be outside cleaning the cages for the refuge, or I could be at my church's afternoon get togather. I could even be working on building new cages. But I'm not. I'm sitting inside at the computer typing words into my blog when I have nothing really to say.

Sometimes I just have to be lazy like that. In all honesty, I work 7 days a week most weeks, and I just have to stop and do nothing occasionally. Even then, I still have about 2-3 hours worth of things I absolutely have to do each day. Oddly enough, the animals I care for insist on eating every day. Imagine that! The ones in my hospital get upset if I don't keep up with their medicines or special care. Such attitudes! So, even when I say "I'm not doin' nothin' today," I'm still doin' some.

I went out on 2 rescues yesterday and had to work those around a wedding. Typical day this time of year. Baby season has finally started to wind down, so I'm only getting 3-5 rescue calls each day now. The vet is tired of seeing me. I've probably seen them more than I have any of my friends in the past few months. Now that the season is changing, I might get a little break.

Nah. If it's not one thing it's another...

But I'm still here in front of the computer writing a blog. Why?

It's pretty simple really. When I decided to start my blog, I made myself a promise. I promised to write something in it every day unless there is a specific reason not to. Not feeling like working isn't a good reason. A hospital visit , the power being down, or other things like that are reasons for not writing.

So, here I am. Nothing to say, but writing in my blog anyway, because I always do what I promise. Even if actually writing down anything is like pulling teeth...

1 comment:

Sewicked said...

Unlike pulling teeth, there are no drills involved. Now you know why my blog has those sections: book read, movies watched, tatting finished, writing done, & today's clothes. Even if I don't write anything meaningful, there's something there that I can look back in a year & go 'oh yeah'.